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Ready to hit the road? Before you do, let’s talk about an important concept that every driver needs to understand: tải trọng trục xe (axle load). This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about tải trọng trục xe, including its definition, calculation, and legal regulations. So, buckle up and let’s dive right in!

Tải trọng trục xe: Diving into the Basics

To grasp the concept of tải trọng trục xe, let’s start by understanding what a trục xe (axle) is. An axle is a component that connects the two wheels on opposite sides of a vehicle. Most trucks have at least two axles: one in the front and one in the rear.

Tải trọng trục xe là gì?

Now, tải trọng trục xe refers to the load carried by each axle. It is crucial to distribute the load evenly on each axle to ensure the vehicle’s stability and prevent violations of traffic laws.

Different types of trucks have different numbers of axles: some have two, while others have three or four. The number and configuration of axles play a significant role in optimizing the load-carrying capacity of the vehicle.

Calculating the Axle Load

Trucks come in various sizes and are permitted to carry different load capacities. This information is documented in the vehicle’s registration, inspection papers, and other official documents. To determine the axle load of a truck, you can refer to these documents.

Công thức tính tải trọng trục xe

Alternatively, you can easily calculate the axle load by using the following formula:

Axle Load = Total Weighing Capacity – Driver and Passenger Weight – Actual Load Weight

For example, if your truck weighs 14 tons when fully loaded but carries an actual load of 10 tons, the axle load can be calculated as follows:

Axle Load = 14 tons – (weight of driver + passengers) – 10 tons

  • For vehicles with a single axle, the axle load will be equal to or less than 10 tons.
  • For trucks with a tandem axle, the axle load depends on the distance between the two axles:
    • Distance < 1m: Load cannot exceed 11 tons.
    • Distance between 1 and 1.3m: Load cannot exceed 16 tons.
    • Distance > 1.3m: Load cannot exceed 18 tons.
  • For trucks with a triple axle, the axle load depends on the distance between adjacent axles:
    • Distance ≤ 1.3m: Load cannot exceed 21 tons.
    • Distance > 1.3m: Load cannot exceed 24 tons.

Penalties for Exceeding the Allowed Axle Load

Just like total load capacity, exceeding the permitted axle load can result in penalties. Whether you are an individual or an organization, if your vehicle exceeds the allowed axle load, you can face fines or even have your driving license suspended. The penalties are as follows:

  • Fine from 2,000,000 VND to 3,000,000 VND if the total axle load exceeds the allowed load by 10% to 20%. The driver’s license will be suspended for 1 month.
  • Fine from 3,000,000 VND to 5,000,000 VND if the total axle load exceeds the allowed load by 20% to 50%. The driver’s license will be suspended for 2 months.
  • Fine from 5,000,000 VND to 7,000,000 VND if the total axle load exceeds the allowed load by more than 50%. The driver’s license will be suspended for 2 months.

For more information on fines for overloading, please refer to the article Mức phạt quá tải 10 đến 30 phạt bao nhiêu tiền mới nhất.

In Conclusion

In this article, we have covered the essentials of tải trọng trục xe, including its definition, calculation, and legal consequences for exceeding the permitted axle load. These insights will help you better understand this topic and ensure compliance with regulations, keeping you safe on the road. Remember to always pay attention to axle load and drive responsibly!

If you need more legal advice or have any questions, feel free to reach out to Luật Sư Tuấn, your trusted legal partner in Vietnam.

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