Thành phần, tiêu chuẩn, số lượng ủy viên Hội đồng quân nhân

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The Hội đồng quân nhân, or Military Council, is an essential organization within the military. It is responsible for making decisions, coordinating activities, and ensuring the smooth operation of the military. In this article, we will delve into the composition, criteria, and number of members in the Hội đồng quân nhân.

Thông tư 165: Guiding Principles

According to Thông tư 165, the Military Council is composed of various military personnel, professionals, and civilian staff who meet the necessary criteria. This includes officers, professional servicemen, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and defense civil servants. It is important to note that anyone who fulfills the required standards can become a member of the Military Council.

To become a member of the Military Council, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • They must possess strong political qualities, have good ethics, a sense of responsibility, and a high fighting spirit. They must be trusted by the people and have the ability to organize and carry out assigned tasks effectively.

  • The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Military Council must have a solid understanding of the organization’s activities, duties, powers, and methods of operation. Additionally, they must have the ability to organize and implement democratic practices within the organization.

Number of Members in the Military Council

Thông tư 165 also specifies the number of members in the Military Council based on the size of the organization. It states that:

  • Organizations with a military personnel of 60 or fewer individuals can elect between 3 to 5 members to the Council. If the military personnel exceeds 60, they can elect up to a maximum of 9 members.

  • The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Military Council are elected by the military congress through a secret ballot. It is important to note that the Chairman of the Military Council cannot hold a higher position or be a party secretary.

Addition and Dismissal of Members

Thông tư 165 provides guidelines for the addition and dismissal of members in the Military Council. The following conditions must be met:

  • The addition of members is carried out based on the proposal of the Military Council and the decision of the party committee or branch committee in special cases.

  • If a member of the Military Council violates the law or violates military discipline, appropriate actions must be taken. If their credibility is low, the Military Council will propose their dismissal and suggest replacements or hold a military congress to elect new members.

For more details, please refer to the official document: Thông tư 165/2018/TT-BQP.

In conclusion, the Military Council plays a crucial role in the military’s decision-making process and overall functioning. Its members are selected based on their qualifications, political qualities, and organizational abilities. The number of members in the Council varies depending on the size of the organization. Thông tư 165 provides comprehensive guidelines for the addition and dismissal of members, ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of the Military Council.

  • Thảo Uyên –

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